DCAMM's tireless efforts to maintain and upgrade state facilities are essential to ensuring the safety, functionality, and sustainability of Rhode Island's public assets.
DCAMM oversees parking on all campuses. ADA accessible parking is available in all parking lots. As part of the Lead by Example Initiative, we also provide electric vehicle charging stations.
Surplus Property Request
State agencies generate surplus equipment on a regular basis, whether office furniture left over from a renovation project, a few filing cabinets from an administrative office move, or a dozen cafeteria tables and chairs that are no longer needed.
State House
As a beacon for the state, the Rhode Island State House dome will soon be illuminated in state-of-the-art exterior LED lighting to mark holidays and other special events throughout the year.
American Flag Etiquette Displays
The State of Rhode Island requires all flag displays to follow correct flag etiquette. Here you can find all the necessary guidelines for displaying flags in accordance with regulations.