The purpose of DCAMM is to manage and maintain state property and state-owned facilities in a manner that meets the highest standards of health, safety, security, accessibility, energy efficiency, and comfort for citizens and state employees and ensures appropriate and timely investments are made for state property and facility maintenance.
The business units that perform actions and duties related to this purpose are listed below.
Facilities Management
The FM team's comprehensive program encompasses a wide range of services, including repairs, upgrades, renovations, and code compliance.
The office of State Fleet Operations (Fleet) manages more than 2000 state owned vehicles. Fleet’s mission is to provide quality customer service to our client agencies while focusing on implementing the rules and regulations per RIGL 42-11-2 (m).
Environmental, Health & Safety
The Environmental Health & Safety Unit provides regulatory oversight for all state-owned facilities and is committed to improving the environment of all state assets in support of the employees who occupy these buildings and public they serve.
Capital Projects
Capital Projects is a team of experienced professionals with backgrounds in architecture, planning, engineering, construction management, development, environmental engineering and facilities management. The Capital Projects team executes projects on behalf of state government agencies.
Office of Real Estate
The Office of Real Estate is responsible for providing comprehensive real estate/property management services for all State agencies related to the leasing of privately owned office space, acquisition of real estate and the sale of surplus State-owned real estate.
Safety & Security
The goal of the DCAMM Safety & Security Unit is to ensure Rhode Island state facilities provide a safe and secure working environment for employees and the public they serve.